
This page is dedicated to the memory of our Fallen Marines who paid the ultimate sacrifice in service to our nation in Korea

Anderson, Cpl. Edward C. 07-25-53
Anderson, Sgt. Homer V.H. 04-17-53
Anderson, Pfc. Milton A. 07-26-53
Armenta, Pfc. Joaquin A. 07-26-53
Ashbrook, Pfc. James L. 07-24-53

Ball, Pfc. Ralph E. 10-02-50
Barnhart, Pfc. Robert C. (MIA) 07-25-53
Barnes, Cpl. Albert P. Jr. 09-15-50
Barr, Pfc. William C. 09-25-50
Barrett, Pfc. Thomas G. 07-25-53
Baugh, Pfc. William B. 11-29-50
Bazley, Pvt. Herbert L. 07-25-53
Bearn, Pfc. Donald 07-25-53
Beeler, 2nd Lt. James D. 11-02-50
Bernhardt, Pfc. Ralph L. 07-25-53
Bever, Pfc. Leo B. 07-25-53
Binaxas, Sgt. William 09-21-50
Binette, Pfc. Theodore F. 07-25-53
Blevins, Pvt. Paul 09-25-50
Boglin, Pfc. Edward J. 07-25-53
Borawski, T/Sgt. Walter C. 01-13-53
Bowers, Cpl. Raymond T. 11-29-50
Bowling, Pvt. Warren 11-30-50
Brady, Cpl. Kenneth E. 09-25-50
Brown, Cpl. Oscar M. 07-25-53
Bryant, Pfc. Jerry R. 04-05-52
Byrd, Pfc. Glenn H. 03-11-51

Cabrera-Gonzalez, Froilan 04-17-53
Caruso, Pfc. Joseph E. 04-24-51
Charlesworth, Pfc. Gerald E. 07-25-53
Chase, Pfc. Robinson 07-25-53
Checki, Pfc. Stanley J. 03-07-53
Coats, Pfc. Terrill O. 07-25-53
Cockerham, Pfc. Harlan R. 07-25-53
Comtois, Pfc. Donald R. 07-25-53
Cook, Pfc. James L. 07-25-53
Corbett, Pfc. John E. 05-03-53
Cordes, Pfc. Victory III 03-18-53
Cotton, Pfc. Clifton C. 03-31-53
Cron, Pfc. John W. 03-11-51
Cupryna, Pfc. John 07-25-53

Dalier, Pfc. Daniel J. 11-29-50
Danzer, Pfc. Arthur L. 04-24-51
Davis, Pfc. John R. 04-24-51
Davis, Robert T. 09-25-50
Debaun, George Jr. 07-25-53
Devlin, Pfc. James J. 03-29-53
DeVries, Pfc. Paul N. 04-24-51
Dixon, Cpl. Paul A. (MIA) 07-25-53
Dodge, Pfc. Eugene E. 0 7-25-53
Dowler, Pfc. Ray E. 12-16-52
Drake, Pfc. John M. Jr. 08-15-53
Driskill, Pfc. William C. 11-29-50
Dunne, Pfc. Thomas J. 04-24-51

Earnest, Sgt. Donel F. 03-25-53
Eccleston, Pfc. Edward E. 09-15-51
Edmunds, Pfc. Patrick J. 07-24-53
Emanuel, Pfc. Frank Jr. 09 -15-50

Fahrenholz, Cpl. Donald R. 03-19-53
Fichter, Pfc. Erich R. 07-26-52

Gaaei, T/Sgt. Christian P. Jr. 03-02-51
Gall, Pfc. Francis C. 11-02-50
Gilchrist, Pfc. James C. 07-25-53
Gilmore, Pfc. Timothy J. 07-23-53
Gonzalez, Cpl. Ignacio S. 07-03-51
Greene, Pfc. William Jr. Jr. 11-30-50

Haber, Cpl. Orville R. 09-21-50
Hahn, Pfc. Howard J. 03-19-53
Hallawell, Pfc. Robert H. 11-30-50
Hamilton, Pfc. Willie 07-26-53
Hammond, Pfc. Hugo 11-02-50
Hamon, Pfc. Lloyd W. 09-21-50
Harney, S/Sgt. Cornelius F. 09-01-50
Harris, Sgt. Frank L. 08-31-52
Harrison, Pfc. Jimmie H. 11-29-50
Henderson, Cpl. Donald J. 03-03-51
Hengy, Pfc. Lawrence J. 09-15-51
Herlihy, 2nd Lt. Robert G. 07-26-53
Hill, Cpl. Wayne R. 07-24-53
Himmels, Cpl. Paul J. 07-25-53
Hoagland, Cpl. Allan B. 12-04-50
Horn, Pfc. Charles E. 11-19-52
Hunt, Pfc. Robert J. 06-06-51

Ingman, Kenneth R. 06-06-51

Jackman, Pfc. Jackie D. 07-25-53
James, Pfc. William R. 04-24-51
Jannusch, Sgt. Otto 09-21-50
Jarnagin, 2nd Lt. Spencer H. 09-21-50
Johnson, Cpl. Charles B. 07-25-53
Johnson, Pfc. Robert W. 09-15-51
Jolliff, Pfc. Marvin H. 07-25-53
Jones, Pfc. Joseph H.H. 07-25-53

Keesee, Pfc. Roland T. 09-26-50
Kimball, Pfc. James E. 03-25-53
Kolb, Cpl. Donald F. 06-06-51
Kotara, Pfc. Fabian T. 11-29-50
Krohn, 2nd Lt. Jered 9-15-51

Leonhard, 2nd Lt. John J. 07-24-53
Lewchuck, Pfc. John A. 09-15-51
Lilly, Sgt. Gene F. 09-25-50
Lindseth, 2nd Lt. John M. 06-06-51

Mandrean, Pfc. James L. Jr. 09-25-50
Manning, Pfc. William R. 11-30-50
Marks, Pfc. Amar D. 03-05-51
Marson, Pfc. Richard W. 09-15-51
McClaskey, Pfc. Ray A. 09-11-52
McCoy, 2nd Lt. John J. Jr. 10-23-51
McCune, Sgt. Richard E. 12-08-50
McGregor, Sgt. Dale A. 08-31-52
McKeever, Pfc. Merlin F. 08-31-52
Meilinger, Pfc. Cecil G. 03-19-53
Marcado, Pfc. Jose H. 03-19-53
Miles, Pfc. Harry R. 09-118-50
Murphy, Pfc. Ralph A. 09-15-50

Naney, Pfc. Tom W. 03-11-51
Nash, Pfc. W.E. “Red” III 12-10-50
Norment, Pfc. Charles R. 06-13-51
Norris, Pfc. Walter M. Jr. 04-24-51
North, Norman P. 09-23-50

Pickett, Pfc. James T. 12-01-50
Porter, Pfc. Keith M. 10-03-51

Quillen, Pfc. James R. 10-23-51

Raphiel, Pfc. Lindy J. 03-02-51
Rasmussen, Pfc. Allen E. 11-29-50
Redmon, Pfc. Hugh I. 11-02-50
Rice, Pfc. Joseph J. 11-30-50
Rivera-Diaz, Pfc. Victor M. 11-24-52
Rodgers, Pfc. Ralph V. 11-02-50

Sage, Pfc. Samuel S. 12-07-50
Seivers, Sgt. Walter L. Jr. 09-13-51
Sepulvado, Pfc. Clayton D. 03-03-51
Shirey, Pfc. Roy E. Jr. 11-02-51
Shramek, Pfc. Jack H. 09-21-50
Silva, Cpl. Thomas C. 01-29-52
Stapleton, Pfc. David P. 09-15-51
Storey, Pfc. Leroy G. 11-30-50

Teel, Pfc. Byron C. 09-21-50
Tillman, S/Sgt. Gerald D. 11-29-50

Waskiewicz, Pfc. Leroy 09-25-50
Weber, Pfc. Paul Jr. 04-24-51
Weiss, Cpl. Melvin 08-18-52
Westberry, Sgt. Leslie E. 06-02-51
Whitney, Pfc. Ralph H. Jr. 11-29-50
Whittaker, Sgt. Edward H. 09-25-50
Williams, Pfc. Donald R. 11-29-50
Williams, T/Sgt. Isaac C. Jr. 06-06-51
Williams, Sgt. Tommy J. 11-30-50
Woolcocks, Pfc. Thomas 11-30-50

Zinner, Pfc. Lawrence J. 09-25-50

This list was sourced from Korean War Educator
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