Happy New Year 3/1 Association!!! We hope your prospects and plans for CY2024 are filled with high adventure and prosperity!! Our intent with this newsletter is to lay out a vision for this organization and the plan for the next two years.
Meet the Team
President: Brian Heatherman
Vice President: Melissa Hanks-Ketchel
Treasurer: Tim Sheelen
Ends: We are going to make this organization BUILT TO LAST. While we will continue to keep 3/1 Veterans connected through events and reunions and we will need to expand our purpose for the benefit of society beyond just our members. As P. McCree Thorton said, “To those who fought for it, Freedom has a flavor that the protected will never know.” So, who is better than us for this purpose.
Ways: Our initial objective within this vision is to enable access for the Active Duty Battalion to various resources, both monetary and service related to support their endeavors. Secondly, we will continue to recognize and honor both our Gold Star Families and the Families of the Fallen in all our endeavors. Lastly, we want to reduce financial barriers to travel and lodging to grow the attendance at our reunions.
Means: For this to become a reality, the 3/1 Association must be an organization that is Connected to the active-duty Battalion to grow new membership and connected to other philanthropic organizations to get additional funding and services. (Head Strong, Higher Ground, Operation Rebound, Challenged Athletes Foundation, Quiet Waters, Warrior Reunion Foundation)
What’s Happening Now? We are within Bayonet Range of gaining our 5013C status.
- Jan – 3/1 Change of Command
- Jan – From the Armory Podcast with Murph and Lassiter
- Feb – 3/1 Bn SgtMaj Relief and Appointment
- Mar – Operation Rebound (Oceanside Ironman Competition)
- April – Speak their Names Memorial and Hike
- Oct – Michael Hanks Bridge Dedication (Michigan)
- Nov – Lima Company Reunion
- Nov – 3/1 Reunion (Mini)
- Nov – Head Strong Foundation Dinner
- Nov – 3/1 Reunion (Ball)
Member Status: 159 active and registered members. We are grateful for each and every one of you.
Member Mission: In the spirit of staying connected, take some time to reach out to your comrades you have not talked to in a while. Ask if they are currently a member of the 3/1 Association. If they are not, ask them to sign up and stay connected and list you as a referral. Here is the link…https://3rdbattalion1stmarinesassociation.com/membership-account/membership-levels/.
BOTC Excellence: He or She who signs up the most members will be recognized at the Speak Their Names Memorial Hike and presented with the coveted BOTC Trophy and all the bragging rights.